I’ve worked with animals since I was 3 years old and one thing I’ve always admired about them is their sense of freedom and fun. Animals communicate and interact with the world very differently from humans. One way animals communicate is through play as a way to bond and relieve stress. Dogs are especially social animals and exhibit clear communication via body language that is often missed or misunderstood by the average human observer. By watching dogs play you can see them use this skill to invite friendship through play bows and even deescalate moments of too much energy via lip licking, shaking-off, or sitting down. These behaviors are seen throughout all canid species, not just domesticated dogs and are some of the most important skills a young puppy can learn. My dog often acts as a teacher to young puppies when playing as he isn’t afraid to tell the puppy to calm down or correct inappropriate behaviors while also allowing the young dog grace and backing down if they become uncomfortable.

I try to utilize this idea of clear communication and self expression and even self advocacy within my work as an artist. The visual arts are a form of communication that is very different from verbal or written language yet is still able to communicate powerful or complex ideas often relating to the world and its happenings or the emotions of the viewer or the artist themself. Additionally, I try to draw inspiration from my dog's carefree and playful spirit as a reminder to myself to be more curious and observant within my creative process; listening to those around me, observing the world around me, and just remembering to take things a little less seriously sometimes.
Wembley & a Friend, 2023
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